Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 3

Dear people, 
Jessica - weeding around the new office
Today was a fine day of labor and fun. At the beginning Greg Kanagy gave us a short tour of camp (we didn't go in the back 90). He talked a lot about camp and about what they do. Our eyes were opened and we realized how well our lives are. He talked about how they trust in God and he provides for the camp. It was really amazing. We weeded garden beds beside the new office building at camp, trimmed trees along the main road, and mowed (Dylan) the grass. It was pretty hot and humid, so the conditions weren't ideal, but we still got through without anyone fainting and not having to make a trip to the ER! -Jesse

A very hot job
Resting at lunch (Luke, Jesse, Taylor)

After working outside in the flower beds we were rewarded with a delicious lunch of sandwiches and veggies. After that we went to a lake to try and pull a bunch of weeds called cat-tails. I was assured that the cat-tails would only take a small tug to get out. It turns put it took upwards to five people just to get one cat-tail out of the ground. Not to mention that the water which we were in was covered in grimy sludge and the majority of us were barefoot. This coupled with the constant fear of alligators and snakes (Dylan especially) made for a hard work day. Although we didn't finish everything, we are excited for tomorrow to get back at it. After we finished pulling cat-tails we had chicken and potato casserole, salad, homemade rolls, and pie. It was delicious. -Jacob

The whole group hard at work.  Our work leader did give us praise on being hard working!
The Lake.  Note: The water is NOT cool and the bottom is slimy and might be snakes, but we persevered.

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