Day 4 - more hard work & vespers
Day 4
Today started off like normal, waking up at 6:30 and getting from the house to the camp at 7:30 for our morning devotions and breakfast. After Breakfast we split up into three groups; Taylor, Adi, Cameron Brown, Jesse, and Cameron Byer were working on planting 60 Cyprus trees next to the lake and other places around the camp. Holly, Jacob, Anna, Brenda, Jessica were in the kitchen helping to cut green beans for them to store for later use. Dylan and Luke got the wonderful experience of being able to spend the day with the camp boys, but more from them on that later. And then we were able to eat lunch in Chuckwagon for the first time and it was air conditioned and the food was delicious.

After lunch we split into other three groups. Adi, Jesse, Jessica, Micah, Carla, and Anna were pulling out the cattails from the lake once again. Taylor, Cameron Byer, and Jacob were cutting down bamboo and chopping them into splints for the newly planted cyprus trees. Brenda, Cameron Brown, and Holly were putting the splints into the ground and tying them to the trees. After everyone had finished those jobs everyone headed to the lake to try to finish pulling all the cattails. We had almost finished when a thunderstorm came and we had to get out of the water. We had about 5 of them left so it was really frustrating and we wanted to finish but Micah wouldn't let us.Silly him. After that we went back to our respective place and showered and got ready for dinner.
Once again we were able to eat in Chuckwagon and prepare for our evening service for the boys. About 7:15 the boys started coming in. They sang a song or two and then handed the program over to us. Luke and Jacob started out the service by introducing what all we had been doing and letting them know how beautiful of a job they had done in building their own campsites. Then Luke did a centering prayer practice with them. The practice involved sitting in silence and repeating 3 words in their heads for a few minutes then closed with a prayer. Cameron Brown read Philippians 2:5-8 and then Jesse explained the verses. Holly then led the Boys in another prayer which involved giving them a shell which represented a person or situation that they wanted a prayer for. Then all the youth group went up in front of everybody and we sang 5 songs. The camp boys were really organized, interacting, and focused. They clearly loved "chiefs" Luke and Dylan :). After that the boys left and we sat in the group and did the end of the day discussion and then we headed to the house where the girls were staying to play games and it was good.
Adi and Taylor
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